Upload Updates:
06/23/07: I just went onto Batsu for the first time in a couple months and I was a little
shocked to find someone posting some of the upload links on here and not giving credit to here. Same exact links. No credit.
They were acting like they did the uploading. So... DO NOT POST THE LINKS HERE WITHOUT GIVING CREDIT!!!! I don't care if you
post them with a credit to this site or me or watever or if u redirect someone here or if u download something and just reupload
it to post somewhere else (i dont care if u credit me for that either since you did the uploading yourself) but dont use my
actual links. Thats not cool. I like to think Im a reasonable person, I dont get angry much, and I find that sometimes people
are overly strict when it comes to crediting issues (thats just me...) but using someone else's links and pretending they're
yours is definitely crossing a line. So if you were doing this before, I hope you read this (you probably didn't) and realize
it's rude to hotlink and you feel the guilt and shame that you should feel and you stop. But of course, I'm not stupid enough
to think that someone who hotlinks would bother reading this and if they did, i doubt they would stop anyway. Hotlinking is
one of those "duh" points on the list of internet 'don'ts'. On a happier note, I've been adding more uploads for those of
you who do follow the rules and are very nice and polite people. In addition to that, I'm going to start bugging Kei, the
layout designer, to change the background so that it's more legible, so be on the lookout for that ^^. I also realize that
a ton of people cant use MU so I've decided that Mediafire is a nice alternative, and eventually I will have mirrors for the
uploads on here so that you can choose to download from either MU or Mediafire ^^. Cheers!! Im not sure when I will start
making mirrors, but they will probably appear gradually. If there is a mirror available, you will see the same album listed
twice and one will be mediafire, the other MU, just put the mouse over the link and it says where it takes u on the bottom
bar thing in the browser. Hope that makes sense >.> anyways, thats it for now! Ciao!
06/05/07: alrighty then!! i've been trying to fix the ridiculous spacing issues. as for the
layout, i know its annoying but bear with me, i will change it so it'll be more legible. thanx to everyone who comments in
the guestbook, every time i see a new comment, i remember that i shouldnt be neglecting this site. sorry i havent gotten back
to many of u and havent done anything about ur requests. im sure u've all been able to find wat u were looking for elsewhere
anyway. if not, dont be afraid to poke me in the guestbook again. i did a bunch of uploading a loooong time ago and thankfully
those old unused links still seem to be alive, so you guys should find some new stuff ^^. If they really are dead, let me
know! Remember to support the artists when you can, no worries when its not possible, but if u go to the places in the link
section (Go Fish!) u can find places where some of these ARE available. Remember to follow the forum rules for those places
i included as well please!! Remember, it's Common Courtesy, Common Decency, Common Sense. Alas, no longer common... I'd also
like to bring up that many of these happen to be from harddrvie clesan-up and that i dont actually LIKE everything i upload.
everyones making comments about how my music tastes are good, but i dont actually like everything onb here XDDDD so thought
i should let u know b4 u think too highly of me. Also, an extra thanx to all original uploaders for sharing. Most of these
are from users on Soulseek, Batsu, Tonberry, and Livejournal communities. Again, if you see one of ur own uploads on here
and wish to be given specific credit, let me know and i will give u some immediately, or if u want it taken off completely,
thats fine too. i try to not upload anything that i've been asked not to redistribute, but if i did so unintentionally, i
apologize, and just let me know ^^. And again, as i often say, if u have any megaupload or rapidshare links to donate, let
me know, and i'll post them, with credit if u would like ^^ i hope everyone feels that they are getting a good and very varied
taste of different artists in jrock/jpop, and find something you love.
9/28/06: okies well i been busy, lots of crap happening and all, sry for the lack of uploads
and replies to comments. but anyways I have something to say!!! the last few times i been on and around the different uploading
sites and all, i noticed a few questions brought up of crediting people, etc. personally, for me, i couldnt care less if u
gave me credit for any of this. but its important to some people. but im not one to remember every single user i download
from, etc. so if u see a rip of yours on here and you don't want it on here, or u want me to list u on here for credits, please
let me know. im not a bitch and i wont bite, i dont want to make anyone angry, so if you r absolutely sure something on here
is yours and u want it off, i will take it off immediately and apologize on here. no one has come to me about any of this,
but i want to make sure that if i make that mistake, its not on purpose and i want to fix it!! so just lemme know ^^ and adding
to that, that would only be for ripping. if u uploaded something on batsu or another public place, and its not ur rip, dont
get ur panties in a bunch when a ton of people start sharing it everywhere. its inevitable. and all u did was upload. however
i do not hotlink (use other peoples' own upload links) without permission and credits to original uploaders. if
u want to submit some uploads (megaupload and rapidshare only please ^^) then feel free, they will be luved and appreciated.
after all, the purpose of this was to make more jrock accessible and to keep links alive ^^.
But anyways, I try to follow the rules at every uploading place I go. After all, im a guest there
and its only polite and considerate to follow the rules, even if you're online. its called common courtesy.
LISTEN UP!!!! Because people keep stealing
my links and posting them as their own without credits, I've decided to put passwords on all uploads and start up a livejournal
community instead. Sorry for those of you who have been really great about the downloading and everything. If you want to
talk to me feel free to email me at marshmallowjuru@yahoo.com Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm still working on the lj community, but you can go on ahead and join it. Follow the instructions there to get the password.
I won't be giving out the password to the uploads if you don't actually read the instructions in the rules in the user info.